Roberto Agosta

President - MsEng PE

Civil Engineer (Universidad Católica Argentina), magna cum laude. Master of Engineering (University of California, Berkeley) and Senior Management Program at IAE Business School (Universidad Austral).

Roberto was Dean of the School of Engineering at Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) (2012-2015) and is faculty member with teaching responsibilities at Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) and Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (UTDT). For ten years Roberto was Director of the Department of Transportation Engineering at UBA and is currently Director of the Centre for Transportation Studies at the School of Engineering at UCA.

Mr. Agosta is member of the Institute of Transportation of the National Academy of Engineering of Argentina, the Academic Council of the Latin-American Chapter of Institut pour la Ville en Mouvement and member of the Transportation Economics and Transportation in Developing Countries committees of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) in the National Academies (USA).

Roberto held executive positions in companies and projects, both in Argentina and abroad. He was National Deputy Director for Transportation Policy and Programming of the Argentine national government; Technical Manager at Subterráneos de Buenos Aires, where he led the Infrastructure Master Plan of the subway network; Rail Project Manager at Tren de la Costa and General Manager at Trenes de Buenos Aries during the period when the concessionaire achieved operational and business efficiency international standards.

He has participated and conducted studies and projects financed by the IDB, World Bank, United Nations, CAF and multiple governments and multilateral lending agencies in 35 countries. He also holds an invention patent in Argentina.

Roberto teaches and offers lectures in various countries around the world, is member of several professional societies, has been a fellow of the Organization of American States (OAS) and received multiple awards and distinctions. He is the author of books, book chapters and numerous papers in national and international publications on topics of his specialty. Among these works, stands out the book “Un proyecto en busca de su justificación: el caso de la Linea E de subterráneos”, coauthored by Juan Pablo Martinez.

Mr. Agosta is founder and President of AC&A Group.